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Marco Degano

PhD Student, Sep 2020 -
University of Amsterdam


I am a 4th-year PhD student at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), supervised by Maria Aloni and Floris Roelofsen. Before that, I completed my master's degree in Logic at the University of Amsterdam (2017 - 2019) and my bachelor's degree in Philosophy at the University of Padua (2014 - 2017).

Language involves dynamic processes and changes over time. How can language change be comprehensively integrated in formal semantic theories? What diachronic forces shape functionally complex linguistic domains?

In my PhD project, I investigate these questions by focusing on indefinite pronouns and determiners across languages. My approach is to develop logical frameworks able to capture the complex landscape of indefinites cross-linguistically, integrating their distribution, functional restrictions, and diachronic pathways. I am particularly interested in modal inferences phenomena (free choice, ignorance, specificity, etc.) of indefinites.